Class PreferencesStoreImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:

@Component public class PreferencesStoreImpl extends Object implements PreferencesStore
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • savePreferences

      public void savePreferences(Node node, @Nullable @Nullable Principal principal, Map<String,String> values, Set<String> removeKeys)
      Description copied from interface: PreferencesStore
      Persists the new values for the given node. The keys in the set removeKeys get removed from the store. It is assumed that no key in the removeKeys set has a mapping in the new values map. The keyset of the map and the removedKeys are always considered disjoint.
      Specified by:
      savePreferences in interface PreferencesStore
    • loadPreferences

      public Map<String,String> loadPreferences(Node node, @Nullable @Nullable Principal principal)
      Description copied from interface: PreferencesStore
      Loads the preferences map from the store for the given node.
      Specified by:
      loadPreferences in interface PreferencesStore
    • loadValues

      public Map<String,String> loadValues(Node node, Iterable<String> keys, @Nullable @Nullable Principal principal)
      Description copied from interface: PreferencesStore
      Loads a single values from the given or current users settings associated to the current buseiness unit.
      Specified by:
      loadValues in interface PreferencesStore
    • deleteNode

      public void deleteNode(Node node, boolean subNodes, @Nullable @Nullable Principal principal)
      Description copied from interface: PreferencesStore
      Deletes all preferences entries for the given node using the given or current principal and current business unit.
      Specified by:
      deleteNode in interface PreferencesStore
      subNodes - also delete sub nodes
    • deleteKeys

      public void deleteKeys(Node node, Set<String> keys, @Nullable @Nullable Principal principal)
      Description copied from interface: PreferencesStore
      Removes all settings of the given keys from the given node. Only settings for the current principal and current business unit are considered.
      Specified by:
      deleteKeys in interface PreferencesStore
    • deleteValue

      public void deleteValue(Node node, String key, String value)
      Description copied from interface: PreferencesStore
      Removes all settings of the given key value combination from the given node regardless of the principal
      Specified by:
      deleteValue in interface PreferencesStore