Interface QueryBuilderBase<QB extends QueryBuilderBase<QB,QW>,QW>

All Known Subinterfaces:
CountQueryBuilder, CriteriaDeleteBuilder, CriteriaQueryBuilder<QB,RT,QW>, EntityQueryBuilder<T>, PathQueryBuilder<T>, PrimaryKeyQueryBuilder, SinglePathQueryBuilder<T>, SubqueryBuilder<T>
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractCriteriaBuilder, AbstractPathQueryBuilder, CriteriaCountQueryBuilder, CriteriaDeleteBuilderImpl, CriteriaQueryBuilderImpl, EntityQueryBuilderImpl, PathQueryBuilderImpl, PrimaryKeyQueryBuilderImpl, QueryBuilderBaseImpl, SinglePathQueryBuilderImpl, SubqueryBuilderImpl

public interface QueryBuilderBase<QB extends QueryBuilderBase<QB,QW>,QW>
Base interface for query builders.
  • Method Details

    • getCriteriaBuilder

      jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder getCriteriaBuilder()
      the CriteriaBuilder that can be used to create conditions that can be passed to where(Predicate...)
    • getQueryRoot

      jakarta.persistence.criteria.From<?,?> getQueryRoot()
      the Root or Join instance that represents the root entity of the query
    • getSubqueryFactory

      PredicateBuilder.SubqueryFactory getSubqueryFactory()
      an instance of PredicateBuilder.SubqueryFactory that can be used to create subqueries
    • getPredicates

      List<jakarta.persistence.criteria.Predicate> getPredicates()
      all conditions of the query
    • addParameter

      QB addParameter(String name, Object value)
      If a condition with an explicit parameter expression was added to the query, this method can be used to set the parameter values.
    • where

      QB where(PredicateBuilder predicateBuilder)
    • whereInsecure

      QB whereInsecure(PredicateBuilder predicateBuilder)
    • where

      QB where(jakarta.persistence.criteria.Predicate... predicate)
    • where

      QB where(Node condition)
    • whereInsecure

      QB whereInsecure(Node condition)
      Conditions added through this method are *not* decorated with any security conditions. User supplied conditions should never be passed to this method.
    • where

      QB where(Condition... condition)
    • whereInsecure

      QB whereInsecure(Condition... condition)
      Conditions added through this method are *not* decorated with any security conditions. User supplied conditions should never be passed to this method.
    • build

      QW build()
      This method should be called when the query configuration is complete. QueryBuilderInterceptor are also called at this point.
      an object that allows to access the query results