Class PersistTaskBase<A,T>

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
LookupTask, OptionalTask, PersistListTask

@Deprecated public abstract class PersistTaskBase<A,T> extends Object implements PersistTask<A,T>
use the same named class from exec package
Implementations of PersistTask should extend this class.
  • Constructor Details

    • PersistTaskBase

      public PersistTaskBase()
  • Method Details

    • compose

      public final <B> PersistTaskBase<A,B> compose(PersistTask<T,B> task)
      Creates a task that is the composition of this and task. That means task is executed with the result of this as its argument.
      Specified by:
      compose in interface PersistTask<A,T>
    • expand

      public final PersistListTask<Iterable<A>,Optional<T>> expand(boolean collectResults)
      Lifts this task to a task that accepts a list of arguments applying those in order to this task and returns the collected results in a list if `collectResults` is set to `true`. Otherwise the returned list will be empty. This can be further controlled via mode key Keys.COLLECTMODE
    • expandFlat

      public final PersistListTask<Iterable<A>,T> expandFlat(boolean collectResults)
      Lifts this task to a task that accepts a list of arguments applying those in order to this task and returns the collected results in a list if `collectResults` is set to `true`. Otherwise the returned list will be empty. This can be further controlled via mode key Keys.COLLECTMODE All `null` results are filtered out.
    • asListTask

      public final PersistListTask<A,T> asListTask()
      Lifts this task into one that returns this result in a single element list to allow to be combined with other (list)tasks.