Interface ClientQuestion<T extends ClientAnswer>

Type Parameters:
T - generic parameter describing the ClientAnswer we might expect for this question.
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractClientQuestion, AbstractConfirmClientQuestion, ConfirmClientQuestion, YesNoClientQuestion

public interface ClientQuestion<T extends ClientAnswer>
Interface for a question to be asked the user.
  • Method Details

    • getQuestionId

      String getQuestionId()
      a unique id identifying this question (used to connect the ClientAnswer-object with this question)
    • getClientHandlerName

      String getClientHandlerName()
      the name of the client handler JS-class as registered in the nice2.netui.clientquestion.ClientQuestionHandlerRegistry
    • getType

      String getType()
    • getAnswerClass

      Class<T> getAnswerClass()
    • isRemoveAnswerAfterAccess

      boolean isRemoveAnswerAfterAccess()
      true if any saved answer should be removed after reading it to ensure it does not get reused