Interface QueryExecutor

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface QueryExecutor
An implementation of this interface is available to script listeners.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    <E extends Entity>
    count(Class<E> entityClass, String condition)
    helper method to count results found by the provided TQL condition.
    <E extends Entity>
    find(Class<E> entityClass, String condition)
    helper method to find entities by the provided TQL condition.
    <E extends Entity>
    find(Class<E> entityClass, String condition, String order)
    helper method to find entities by the provided TQL condition.
    <E extends Entity>
    findAll(Class<E> entityClass)
    helper method to get all entities of a specific class
    <E extends Entity>
    findEntity(Class<E> entityClass, PrimaryKey key)
    helper method to find an entity by a key
    <E extends Entity>
    findLookupEntity(Class<E> entityClass, String uniqueId)
    helper method to find a lookup entity by unique id
    make sure that no proxy object is passed to the script (the proxy class would be rejected by the security mechanism)
  • Method Details

    • findEntity

      <E extends Entity> E findEntity(Class<E> entityClass, PrimaryKey key)
      helper method to find an entity by a key
    • findAll

      <E extends Entity> List<E> findAll(Class<E> entityClass)
      helper method to get all entities of a specific class
    • findLookupEntity

      @Nullable <E extends Entity> E findLookupEntity(Class<E> entityClass, String uniqueId)
      helper method to find a lookup entity by unique id
    • find

      <E extends Entity> List<E> find(Class<E> entityClass, String condition)
      helper method to find entities by the provided TQL condition.
    • find

      <E extends Entity> List<E> find(Class<E> entityClass, String condition, String order)
      helper method to find entities by the provided TQL condition.
    • count

      <E extends Entity> long count(Class<E> entityClass, String condition)
      helper method to count results found by the provided TQL condition.
    • unwrap

      default QueryExecutor unwrap()
      make sure that no proxy object is passed to the script (the proxy class would be rejected by the security mechanism)