Interface EntityModel

All Superinterfaces:
ModelElement, ModuleTracker, NiceActionHolder
All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultEntityModel, EntityModelImpl, TemplateEntityModel

public interface EntityModel extends ModelElement, NiceActionHolder, ModuleTracker
The model for the data-mapping, but with addional information for the nice-system.


The state-behavior is like ModelElement
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getName

      String getName()
      It's the "name" attribute of the entityModel tag.
      The entity name of this entity, for example "Address".
    • getTarget

      String getTarget()
      It's the "target" attribute of the entityModel tag.
      The internal target of this entity, eg the table name.
    • getEntityType

      EntityType getEntityType()
      The entity type.
    • isDisabled

      boolean isDisabled()
      Tells if this entity is disabled and thus ignored.
    • setDisabled

      void setDisabled(boolean disabled)
      Sets if this entity is disabled and thus ignored.
      disabled - if disabled
    • getKey

      FieldModel getKey()
      The primary key field.
    • getFieldsTargets

      List<String> getFieldsTargets(List<FieldModel> fields)
      Example: myEntityModel.getFieldsTargets( myEntityModel.getKeys() )
      fields - The fields to loop.
      The targets of the passed in fields.
    • getFieldsNames

      List<String> getFieldsNames(List<FieldModel> fields)
      Example: myEntityModel.getFieldsNames( myEntityModel.getKeys() )
      fields - The fields to loop.
      The names of the passed in fields.
    • getFields

      List<FieldModel> getFields()
      The fields including those part of the primary keys (see getKey()).
    • hasField

      boolean hasField(String fieldName)
      Included are key fields, but not relations.
      fieldName - The field name to look for.
      Tells if this model has a field by that name.
      See Also:
    • getFieldByName

      @Nullable @Nullable FieldModel getFieldByName(String name)
      Get a field by its name. Note: If the field is multilingual then provide the complete name for the strategy in use, which may look something like "somename" or "somename_fr".
      name - The complete field's name (including possible localized suffix), not empty.
      The field, or null if this field doesn't exists!
      See Also:
    • requireFieldByName

      default FieldModel requireFieldByName(String name)
      Get a field by its name.
      name - The field's name, not empty.
      ModelException - If there is no such field.
      See Also:
    • getFieldsByType

      List<FieldModel> getFieldsByType(String type)
      Returns all fields of the data type specified.
      May be empty.
    • getFieldsByBaseType

      List<FieldModel> getFieldsByBaseType(String baseType)
      Returns all fields that have the specified data type as base type.
      May be empty.
    • getFirstFieldOfType

      @Nullable @Nullable FieldModel getFirstFieldOfType(String type)
      version, createts, updateuser ...
      The first field as returned by getFieldsByType(), or null.
    • getFirstFieldOfBaseType

      @Nullable @Nullable FieldModel getFirstFieldOfBaseType(String baseType)
      The first field as returned by getFieldsByBaseType(), or null.
    • getRelations

      Collection<RelationModel> getRelations()
      Get all relations FROM this entity TO other entities; only one way. There seems to be no method for the opposite yet.
    • getRelationByName

      @Nullable @Nullable RelationModel getRelationByName(String name)
      Get a relation by its name.
      name - The name.
      The relation or null if this relation doesn't exists!
    • requireRelationByName

      default RelationModel requireRelationByName(String name)
      Get a relation by its name.
      ModelException - If there is no such relation.
      See Also:
    • hasRelation

      boolean hasRelation(String relName)
      relName - The relation name to look for, eg "relFoo".
      Tells if this model has a relation by that name.
      See Also:
    • setTarget

      void setTarget(String target)
      target - targent-name, non-null
      IllegalStateException - when trying to change the model after finished model-reading
    • setEntityType

      void setEntityType(EntityType entityType)
      entityType - The type of entity.
      IllegalStateException - when trying to change the model after finished model-reading
    • addField

      void addField(FieldModel fieldModel) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Adds a nice-field to this entity model.

      WARNING: All key fields need to be added first! If you try to add a regular field first then you'll get a strange ClassCastException to Long.

      Note: a field "removed" (disabled) by removeField() cannot be re-added here.

      fieldModel - The field model
    • addRelation

      void addRelation(RelationModel relation)
      relation - The relation.
      IllegalStateException - When trying to change the model after finished model-reading. Or when there is such a relation already.
      See Also:
    • setName

      void setName(String name)
      name - the name, non-null
      IllegalStateException - when trying to change the model after finished model-reading
    • getDocumentation

      LinkedHashMap<String,String> getDocumentation()
      Returns the content of the documentation element of the EntityModel tag as a LinkedHashMap, divided by the AppModules extending the base EntityModel and contributing the documentation. The contents of the map are ordered according to the loading sequence of the AppModules.
      The LinkedHashMap contains the EntityModel's documentation tag.
    • addDocumentation

      void addDocumentation(String definingModule, String documentation)
      Adds documentation for the EntityModel, contributed by the defining AppModule.
      definingModule - the string representation of the AppModule contributing the documentation
      documentation - the documentation for the EntityModel
    • getFieldByName

      @Nullable @Nullable FieldModel getFieldByName(String name, String locale)
      Get a possibly multilingual field by base name and locale.

      This is a shortcut for doing: EntityModel.getFieldByName( EntityModel.getLocalizedFieldMapper().getFieldName(name, locale) );

      name - The field's base name, not empty.
      locale - Currently the 2-digit lowercase ISO-639 language code only, eg "fr" for French.
      The field, or null if this field doesn't exists (either at all or in that locale)
      See Also:
    • getFieldByName

      @Nullable @Nullable FieldModel getFieldByName(String name, Locale locale)
    • isLocalizedField

      boolean isLocalizedField(String baseName)
      Tells if there is a localized field with the given base name.
      baseName - The field's base name as specified in the entity xml file, without language part.
      true If there is such a field and it is a localized one, false if there is no such field at all, or if it is not localized.
      See Also:
    • getLocalizedFields

      Map<Locale,FieldModel> getLocalizedFields(String baseName) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Returns all field models (one per system language) for the field that is of type 'localized'.
      baseName - The field's base name as specified in the entity xml file, without language part.
      key = 2 letter iso language code in lower case. Not empty, no null values within.
      IllegalArgumentException - If the field is not localized, check first.
      See Also:
    • getLocalizedField

      @Nullable @Nullable FieldModel getLocalizedField(String baseName, Locale locale)
      Returns one field model for the field that is of type 'localized'.
      baseName - The field's base name as specified in the entity xml file, without language part.
      locale - The desired language, must be one of the configured system languages (2 letter lower case iso code).
      null if there is no such field, or if it is not localized, or if there is no such language.
      See Also:
    • addAvailableLocale

      void addAvailableLocale(Locale locale)
    • getAvailableLocales

      Set<Locale> getAvailableLocales()
    • getLocalizedFieldMapper

      LocalizedFieldMapper getLocalizedFieldMapper()
    • hasRemovedField

      boolean hasRemovedField(String name)
      Does this Entity-Model contain a removed field?
      A possibility to ask the configuration if something got removed. This is imported to remove dependent stuff.

      For example the field 'username' is removed on an entity. The form-system needs to know that this field is removed that the field is also removed in the form.

      name - the name
      true if this field got removed during the configuration-reading-process
    • getRemovedFields

      Collection<FieldModel> getRemovedFields()
      Returns all removed field models. Returns an empty collection if none exist.
    • hasRemovedRelation

      boolean hasRemovedRelation(String name)
      Does this Entity-Model contain a removed relation?
      A possibility to ask the configuration if something got removed. This is importet to remove dependend stuff.

      For example we remove the Field 'username' on an entity. Then the form-system need to know that this it's removed explictly and no spelling-error in the form-configuration. Then the form-system can remove the field aswell which would normally show this entity-field.

      name - the name
      true if this field got removed during the configuration-reading-process
    • getRemovedRelations

      Collection<RelationModel> getRemovedRelations()
      Returns all removed field models. Returns an empty collection if none exist.
    • replaceRelation

      void replaceRelation(RelationModel relation)
      IllegalStateException - When trying to change the model after finished model-reading. Or when there is no such a relation yet.
      See Also:
    • getVisualisation

      EntityVisualisationModel getVisualisation()
      Get an object which describes the visualisation of this entity.
      The visualisation.
    • setVisualisation

      void setVisualisation(EntityVisualisationModel visualisation)
      IllegalStateException - When trying to change the model after finished model-reading.
    • getSearch

      EntitySearchModel getSearch()
      Get a description for how to search in this entity.
      The search behavior.
    • addSearch

      void addSearch(EntitySearchModel search)
      Adds another EntitySearchModel to this EntityModel.
      search - The search model.
      IllegalStateException - when try to change the model after finished model-reading
    • removeField

      void removeField(FieldModel toRemove) throws IllegalStateException, IllegalArgumentException
      toRemove - the field to remove
      IllegalStateException - when try to change the model after finished model-reading
      IllegalArgumentException - when the field is not removable (not there)
    • removeRelation

      void removeRelation(RelationModel toRemove)
      toRemove - the field to remove
      IllegalStateException - When trying to change the model after finished model-reading.
    • setUseMassMutationActions

      void setUseMassMutationActions(Boolean useMassMutationActions)
    • getUseMassMutationActions

      @Nullable @Nullable Boolean getUseMassMutationActions()
    • setHasGenericActions

      void setHasGenericActions(Boolean hasGenericActions)
    • hasGenericActions

      @Nullable @Nullable Boolean hasGenericActions()
    • setUseHistoryAction

      void setUseHistoryAction(Boolean useMassMutationAction)
    • getUseHistoryAction

      @Nullable @Nullable Boolean getUseHistoryAction()
    • setUseEntityMergeAction

      void setUseEntityMergeAction(Boolean useEntityMergeAction)
    • getUseEntityMergeAction

      @Nullable @Nullable Boolean getUseEntityMergeAction()
    • setHasImportAction

      void setHasImportAction(Boolean hasImportAction)
    • hasImportAction

      @Nullable @Nullable Boolean hasImportAction()
    • setHasExportAction

      void setHasExportAction(Boolean hasExportAction)
    • hasExportAction

      @Nullable @Nullable Boolean hasExportAction()
    • setUseAdminCreate

      void setUseAdminCreate(Boolean useAdminCreate)
    • getUseAdminCreate

      Boolean getUseAdminCreate()
    • setUseAdminDelete

      void setUseAdminDelete(Boolean useAdminDelete)
    • getUseAdminDelete

      Boolean getUseAdminDelete()
    • setUseRemoteFieldNewButton

      void setUseRemoteFieldNewButton(Boolean useRemoteFieldNewButton)
    • getUseRemoteFieldNewButton

      Boolean getUseRemoteFieldNewButton()
    • setRelevantForExport

      void setRelevantForExport(Boolean relevantForExport)
    • getRelevantForExport

      Boolean getRelevantForExport()
    • isMarkable

      Boolean isMarkable()
    • setMarkable

      void setMarkable(Boolean markable)
    • getUseNiceFields

      Boolean getUseNiceFields()
    • setUseNiceFields

      void setUseNiceFields(Boolean useNiceFields)
    • getIndexPriority

      Integer getIndexPriority()
      Will be used as order for indexing entities. Also describes order when displaying results (higher value is higher in list). Possible values: * -1: not indexed * 0: indexed, but not visible in searching in "full-system-search". used for lookup entities for example. * 1..n: indexed
    • setIndexPriority

      void setIndexPriority(Integer indexPriority)
      See Also:
    • setBusinessUnitType

      void setBusinessUnitType(BusinessUnitType type)
    • getBusinessUnitType

      BusinessUnitType getBusinessUnitType()
    • getEntityDocumentsModel

      EntityDocumentsModel getEntityDocumentsModel()
    • setEntityDocumentsModel

      void setEntityDocumentsModel(EntityDocumentsModel entityDocumentsModel)
    • isOutputCenter

      boolean isOutputCenter()
    • setOutputCenter

      void setOutputCenter(boolean outputCenter)
    • getWidgetEntityType

      WidgetEntityType getWidgetEntityType()
      Get the entity widget entity type (CMS).
      the widget entity type.
    • setWidgetEntityType

      void setWidgetEntityType(WidgetEntityType widgetEntityType)
      Set widget entity type (CMS).
      widgetEntityType - The widget entity type.
    • hasContentReference

      Boolean hasContentReference()
      Determine whether this entity can be a content reference source.
      true, if the entity can be a content reference source, else false.
    • setContentReference

      void setContentReference(Boolean contentReference)
      Specify whether this entity can be a content reference source.