Interface BusinessUnitChangelogPostProcessor

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface BusinessUnitChangelogPostProcessor
This BusinessUnitChangelogPostProcessor provides functionality to apply a single changelog to all available business units. If a changeset has the attribute runForEachBu set to true, this processor creates a copy of the changeset for each available business unit, replacing all BUSINESS_UNIT_PLACEHOLDERs with the actual unique_id of the business unit. This way, a changeset can be applied for all business units without mentioning them explicitly. The BUSINESS_UNIT_PLACEHOLDER can be used at the following positions: * where tags content in update and delete statements * sqlCheck tags content inside of the preConditions * valueComputed attribute values in insert statements
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Takes the changelog document and processes als changesets which shall be applied to all available business units, replacing the generic changeset containing BUSINESS_UNIT_PLACEHOLDERs with corresponding changesets with concrete business unit references.
  • Method Details

    • processChangelog

      void processChangelog(Document doc)
      Takes the changelog document and processes als changesets which shall be applied to all available business units, replacing the generic changeset containing BUSINESS_UNIT_PLACEHOLDERs with corresponding changesets with concrete business unit references.
      doc - the changelog document to be processed