Package ch.tocco.nice2.toolbox.api.functional

package ch.tocco.nice2.toolbox.api.functional
  • Class
    A bi-function which wraps all exceptions in runtime exceptions so that expressions throwing checked exceptions can be nicely used in the Stream API
    an extension of Callable which wraps all exceptions in runtime exceptions so that expressions throwing checked exceptions can be nicely used in the Stream API
    A consumer which wraps all exceptions in runtime exceptions so that expressions throwing checked exceptions can be nicely used in the Stream API
    A function which wraps all exceptions in runtime exceptions so that expressions throwing checked exceptions can be nicely used in the Stream API
    allows easy wrapping of regular function interfaces into our own that handle exceptions
    A predicate which wraps all exceptions in runtime exceptions so that expressions throwing checked exceptions can be nicely used in the Stream API
    an extension of Runnable which wraps all exceptions in runtime exceptions so that expressions throwing checked exceptions can be nicely used in the Stream API
    an extension of Supplier which wraps all exceptions in runtime exceptions so that expressions throwing checked exceptions can be nicely used in the Stream API