Class XssHtmlFilter


public final class XssHtmlFilter extends Object
Filters html text and removes code classified as vulnerable. For example, at least the following tags and/or attributes are suspicious:
embeds executable code
Embedds java applets
<embed/> <object/>
embeds external stuff
embeds meta statements
embeds style sheet instructions which may contain javascript
<a href|link/>
the anchor tag with href or link attribute, embeds external urls (javascript protocol)
<frame|iframe|input type=image|bgsound|img src/>
tags with src attribute, embed external urls (javascript protocol). Also dynsrc and lowsrc of img tag
All event handlers
<body|table|tr|td|th background
background attribute may contain code using javascript protocol
Styles that allow specifying url() or expression(), like background-image:, behaviour: etc
<meta content=0; url=
meta redirect. may execute code using javascript protocol
Urls are replaced by # to leave syntactically correct html while all others are removed. Exceptions are anchor tags (see task #17742), the href attribute is left and a blank target is added.
  • Method Details

    • containsPotentialXssCode

      public static boolean containsPotentialXssCode(String content)
      Just checks content for some potential Xss breaches like script elements, on-attributes, ...
    • clean

      public static String clean(String html)