Class LocaleUtil


public class LocaleUtil extends Object
Provides utility functions for handling Locales.
  • Method Details

    • getIntersection

      public static Set<Locale> getIntersection(Set<Locale> desired, Set<Locale> available, LocaleUtil.LocaleLevel compareLevel)
      Returns the intersection in the order of the first (desired) param.

      Compares the locales to the level specified.

      Note: For example a comparison to level TO_LANGUAGE will match two locales that have conflicting country information too, not just when one has no country information. This may not be desired.

      Ordered by desired, may be empty. The returned Locales contains all available info, even if it was simplified temporarily for comparison.
    • getIntersection

      public static Set<Locale> getIntersection(Set<Locale> desired, Set<Locale> available)
      Overloaded method where compareLevel = LocaleLevel.TO_VARIANT.
      ordered by desired, may be empty
    • getBest

      public static Locale getBest(Set<Locale> desired, Set<Locale> available, LocaleUtil.LocaleLevel compareLevel, Locale fallback)
      Returns the most desired locale that is available, or fallback.

      Compares the locales to the level specified.

      Note: For example a comparison to level TO_LANGUAGE will match two locales that have conflicting country information too, not just when one has no country information. This may not be desired.

      The returned Locale contains all available info, even if it was simplified temporarily for comparison.
    • getBest

      public static Locale getBest(Set<Locale> desired, Set<Locale> available, Locale fallback)
      Overloaded method where compareLevel = LocaleLevel.TO_VARIANT.
      fallback - Does not check if fallback is in available. Pass null to get null.
    • simplify

      public static Set<Locale> simplify(Set<Locale> set, LocaleUtil.LocaleLevel level)
      Simplifies a set of locales by stripping off information (if there). Note that obviously the returned set may strink.
      may be empty
    • simplify

      public static Locale simplify(Locale locale, LocaleUtil.LocaleLevel level)
      Simplifies a locale by stripping off information (if there).
    • setCountry

      public static Locale setCountry(Locale locale, String country)
      Returns a new locale with the given country applied.
      locale - The source
      country - 2 letter iso in upper case, eg "CH", not null, may be empty.
      The new locale with the new country and the existing language and variant.