Class CronExpressionHelper


public abstract class CronExpressionHelper extends Object
  • Method Details

    • toToccoCronScheduleString

      public static String toToccoCronScheduleString(String min, String h, String dom, String m, String dow)
      Convert to Tocco cron schedule string
      min - The string for the minute field.
      h - The string for the hour field.
      dom - The string for the day of month field.
      m - The string for the month field.
      dow - The string for the day of week field.
    • getToccoCronScheduleString

      public static String getToccoCronScheduleString(Entity entity)
      get the Tocco cron schedule string for Batch_job and Dynamic_batch_job entities
    • toQuartzCronScheduleString

      public static String toQuartzCronScheduleString(String toccoScheduleString)
      convert the tocco schedule string to the quartz schedule string
    • checkQuartzCronScheduleString

      public static void checkQuartzCronScheduleString(String scheduleString)
      check if the quartz schedule string is valid, if not throw a IllegalArgumentException
    • toQuartzCronScheduleString

      public static String toQuartzCronScheduleString(Entity entity)
      get the quartz cron schedule string for Batch_job and Dynamic_batch_job entities
    • isValidMinutes

      public static void isValidMinutes(String value)
      check if the minute value is valid
    • isValidHours

      public static void isValidHours(String value)
      check if the hour value is valid
    • isValidDaysOfMonth

      public static void isValidDaysOfMonth(String value)
      check if the days of month value is valid
    • isValidMonth

      public static void isValidMonth(String value)
      check if the month value is valid
    • isValidDaysOfWeek

      public static void isValidDaysOfWeek(String value)
      check if the days of week value is valid