Interface OpenIdRegistrationService

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface OpenIdRegistrationService
  • Method Details

    • getMatchingPrincipal

      Optional<Entity> getMatchingPrincipal(@Nullable @Nullable String emailAddress)
      Searchs for a matching principal using a given emailAddress 1. Checks if there is a principal with the emailAddress as 'username' if so, return this Principal 2. Checks if there exactly one Principal that is linked with a user using the given emailAddress. If so, return it.
      identified principal or absent if we were not able to find a unique match
    • registerOpenIdUser

      String registerOpenIdUser(Entity provider, Entity principal, String subject, String sourceUrl)
      Saves the registration data to a "Openid_link_information" entity and returns the generated uuid.
      the generated uuid
    • sendRegistrationMail

      void sendRegistrationMail(Entity principal, String uuid)
      Sends the registration mail (email template "sso_registration_mail")