Interface DefaultDisplayService

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface DefaultDisplayService
  • Method Details

    • evaluateDefaultDisplay

      String evaluateDefaultDisplay(Entity entity)
    • evaluateDefaultDisplay

      @Deprecated default String evaluateDefaultDisplay(Entity entity, String... types)
      use evaluateDisplay(Entity, String...) as naming is confusing
      evaluate display for the first available type from the provided types. If none of the types are available for the provided entity, the default display is evaluated.
      entity - the entity to evaluate the display for
      types - the list of types to try
      the evaluated display
    • evaluateDisplay

      String evaluateDisplay(Entity entity, String... types)
      evaluate display for the first available type from the provided types. If none of the types are available for the provided entity, the default display is evaluated.
      entity - the entity to evaluate the display for
      types - the list of types to try
      the evaluated display
    • evaluateDisplay

      String evaluateDisplay(Entity entity, DefaultDisplay.Options baseOptions, DefaultDisplay.Options... fallbackOptions)
      evaluate display for the first available option from the provided options. If none of the options match a display, the default display is evaluated with baseOptions.
      entity - the entity to evaluate the display for
      baseOptions - the options to try first and to use for the default display if no type is provided
      fallbackOptions - the options to try if baseOptions did not provide a display
      the evaluated display
    • evaluateDisplayForOption

      Optional<String> evaluateDisplayForOption(Entity entity, DefaultDisplay.Options option)
      evaluates the display for the given options
      entity - the entity to evaluate the display for
      option - the options used to find and evaluate the display
      the evaluated display or null if none could be found for type in options
    • getDefaultDisplay

      DefaultDisplay getDefaultDisplay(EntityModel model)