Interface BinaryDataAccessor

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface BinaryDataAccessor
  • Method Details Link icon

    • fetchDataForDetailDocument Link icon

      Map<Serializable,BinaryData> fetchDataForDetailDocument(EntityModel entityModel, String fieldName, List<Serializable> keys)
      Efficiently retrieves BinaryData instances for detail documents of several entities.
      entityModel - the entity model
      fieldName - the name of the 'binary' field
      keys - the primary keys of the entities for which the data should be fetched
    • fetchDataForResource Link icon

      Map<Serializable,BinaryData> fetchDataForResource(List<Serializable> keys)
      Efficiently retrieves BinaryData instances for (non entity-doc) resources.
      keys - the primary keys of the Resource_content entities for which the data should be fetched