Interface Context.Tx

All Known Implementing Classes:
PlaceboTx, TransactionAdapter.TxAdapter
Enclosing interface:

public static interface Context.Tx

This gives acces to a simple transaction api.

In the following example, the call to commit() (2) will commit the transaction. On finish() (3) the transaction is rolled back, if no commit() has previously been called. The exception handling code doesn't need to worry about doing rollbacks.

     public void doSomething() {
         Context.Tx tx = context.beginTx();         (1)
         try {
             //do your stuff here
             tx.commit();                           (2)
         } catch (PersistException e) {
             //do your exception handling
         } finally {
             tx.finish();                           (3)
Nested transactions

At point (1) a new "toplevel" transaction is created with the same behaviour as stated above. Then entering method doSomethingB a "placebo" transaction is returned. The call to commit() (5) has no effect, unless it's called more than one time or fail() has been called before. In that case an exception is thrown. A call to fail() will always set the entire transaction to rollback-only, so a call to commit() afterwards yields in an exception. The finish() method will set the entire transaction to rollback-only if commit() has not been called. Thus you usually indicate a successful completion with a call to commit(). It may really commit the transaction or not, that depends on whether the current code is participating in an existing transaction or has created a new one. This detail shouldn't be important to client code in most cases.

     public void doSomethingA() {
         Context.Tx tx = context.beginTx();           (1)
         try {
             //do some stuff
             tx.commit();                             (2)
         } catch (PersistException e) {
             //exception handling code here
         } finally {
             tx.finish();                             (3)

     public void doSomethingB() throws PersistException {
         Context.Tx tx = context.beginTx();           (4)
         try {
             //do stuff here again
             tx.commit();                             (5)
         } finally {
             tx.finish();                             (6)

An inner-transaction may call fail() to set the entire transaction to rollback-only.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type