Interface RuleScheduleReservationService

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface RuleScheduleReservationService
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    generateReservations(Entity event, @Nullable org.joda.time.LocalDate startDate, Iterable<Entity> offTimeEvents)
    generates Reservation entities based on Rule_schedule and Offtime_event Reservations are not generated during Offtime_events, but are rather moved forwards to the next valid point in time
  • Method Details

    • generateReservations

      void generateReservations(Entity event, @Nullable @Nullable org.joda.time.LocalDate startDate, Iterable<Entity> offTimeEvents)
      generates Reservation entities based on Rule_schedule and Offtime_event Reservations are not generated during Offtime_events, but are rather moved forwards to the next valid point in time
      event - the event to create Reservations for
      startDate - the date to start the Reservations from
      offTimeEvents - the Offtime_events to consider