Interface ReservationConflictManager

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ReservationConflictManager
  • Method Details

    • createConflictsForNewReservation

      void createConflictsForNewReservation(Entity target, String relationName, CalendarEvent event)

      A new reservation for the target entity has been made which has been stored as a event in its calendar. The event must be attached to the main calendar.

      This will then search for conflicts with other reservations for the specified event and saves them in the database.

      target - the entity which has a new reservation date added (example: "Room")
      relationName - the relation name from the calendar event to the target entity (example: "relRoom")
      event - the CalendarEvent representing the time of the reservation. the event must be attached to a calendar
    • getConflictingEntitiesTo

      Iterable<PrimaryKey> getConflictingEntitiesTo(DateTimeValue start, DateTimeValue end, String entityModel, String relationName)
    • getConflictsFor

      EntityList getConflictsFor(List<PrimaryKey> targets, String model)
      Returns the conflicts for either a Reservation, Registration or Lecturer_booking entity.