Package ch.tocco.nice2.optional.qualification.impl.entitylistener
package ch.tocco.nice2.optional.qualification.impl.entitylistener
when anything inDirtyInputDataEntityListener.relevantFields
is adjustedupdates the statistics on an Evaluation based on its Evaluation_dataTheExamAverageAfterCommitListener
is listening to modifications onRating
s.ensures that an Input_node always has exactly as many Exam_templates as is defined by num_ratingsruns evaluation when Rating values are changedupdates num_ratings for changes on text ratings, and runs evaluation for changes to dispensation or gradeupdates exams and runs evaluation for an Input where the number of ratings changedcallsAbstractInputType.aggregateInputData()
on the Input of all updated or created Input_data entitieswhen the attempts or promotion status on an Evaluation_data or Input_data entity are changed, gather all attempts and promotion status for its user from entities connected to the same Event, and write those from the highest attempt to the Registration of the Userensures that at least one Registration_status has relevant_for_qualification checkedsets hidden relation Input_data.relRegistrationWhen using theInput_type
"points" or "points_average", the amount of points reachable in a course is defined by the variousInput_node
s of a structure.updates grades when threshold values are changed