Interface MembershipHierarchyService

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface MembershipHierarchyService
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    getChildAddressSet(Entity sourceAddress)
    Get the pks of all addresses that are below the given address in the hierarchy (including the given address)
    Get all addresses that are above the given address in the hierarchy (including the given address) If any address in a given hierarchy has multiple parents this method will throw a runtime exception.
    Call Action to recalculate hierarchies on all addresses Call Syntax: nice2_optional_membershiphierarchy_MembershipHierarchyService.migrateHierarchies This method calls submitRecalculateHierarchiesTask(Set) with all address keys
    Initialises the RecalculateHierarchyTask and submits it into the task queue
  • Method Details

    • getParentAddressList

      List<Entity> getParentAddressList(Entity sourceAddress)
      Get all addresses that are above the given address in the hierarchy (including the given address) If any address in a given hierarchy has multiple parents this method will throw a runtime exception.
    • getChildAddressSet

      Set<PrimaryKey> getChildAddressSet(Entity sourceAddress)
      Get the pks of all addresses that are below the given address in the hierarchy (including the given address)
    • submitRecalculateHierarchiesTask

      void submitRecalculateHierarchiesTask(Set<PrimaryKey> addressKeys)
      Initialises the RecalculateHierarchyTask and submits it into the task queue
    • migrateHierarchies

      void migrateHierarchies()
      Call Action to recalculate hierarchies on all addresses Call Syntax: nice2_optional_membershiphierarchy_MembershipHierarchyService.migrateHierarchies This method calls submitRecalculateHierarchiesTask(Set) with all address keys