Interface PersonalIncaMailAccountActionService

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface PersonalIncaMailAccountActionService
While any user may call this service, any action will throw an exception if not called on your own principal. Use isOwnPrincipal(EntityExplorerActionSelection) to check principals beforehand.
  • Method Details

    • isOwnPrincipal

      boolean isOwnPrincipal(EntityExplorerActionSelection selection)
      check if current principal matches selection
      selection - the selected principal
      true if both principals are the same
    • createOrUpdatePersonalAccount

      void createOrUpdatePersonalAccount(EntityExplorerActionSelection selection, String address, String password)
      create a new Inca_mail_address with personal = true related to selected principal, if none exists yet. If one exists, update address and password fields on it.
      selection - the selected principal
      address - the mail address to use
      password - the password to the IncaMail account
    • removePersonalAccount

      void removePersonalAccount(EntityExplorerActionSelection selection)
      delete the Inca_mail_address with personal = true related to the selected principal.
      selection - the selected principal