Interface ActiveVatRateService

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ActiveVatRateService
service to check and set vat rates
  • Method Details

    • getActiveVatRateForVatCode

      Optional<Entity> getActiveVatRateForVatCode(Entity vatCode)
      get the active entity for a vat code from the list of related vat rate
      vatCode - the vat code
      the current vat rate
    • isVatRateInVatCodeActive

      boolean isVatRateInVatCodeActive(Entity vatCode)
      is the currently set vat rate ind vat code the correct one
      vatCode - the vat code
      true, if the correct vat rate is set
    • resetVatCode

      void resetVatCode(Entity vatCode)
      reset the vat rate on the vat code uses getActiveVatRateForVatCode
      vatCode - the vat code
    • getVatRateOnDate

      Optional<Entity> getVatRateOnDate(Entity vatCode, org.joda.time.LocalDate date)
      get the vat rate of the passed vat code on the passed date
      vatCode - the vat code
      date - date which defines the vat rate
    • getVatRateValueOnDate

      BigDecimal getVatRateValueOnDate(Entity vatCode, org.joda.time.LocalDate date)
      get the vat rate value of the passed vat code on the passed date do not pass any Vat_code that does not need to have a Vat_rate!
      vatCode - the vat code
      date - date which defines the vat rate
    • getOptionalVatRateValueOnDate

      Optional<BigDecimal> getOptionalVatRateValueOnDate(Entity vatCode, org.joda.time.LocalDate date)
      get the vat rate value of the passed vat code on the passed date.
      vatCode - the vat code
      date - date which defines the vat rate