Class UpdateClassroomUserBatchJob

All Implemented Interfaces:

@DisallowConcurrentExecution public class UpdateClassroomUserBatchJob extends AbstractJob
Updates the classroom for each contributed base entity name (e.g. Registration or Lecturer_booking) that is connected to one * if relevant_for_classoom is set to true on the status of the entity, it is added to the classroom * otherwise, it is removed * users that are connected to a classroom, but do not have a corresponding base entity (e.g. Registration or Lecturer_booking) are left untouched If updateClassroomOfModule is set to true, the classroom of the "parent event" is updated as well. This batch job is not contributed in this module. If this batch job should be activated for a certain customer, please do so in the hivemodule.xml of that customer. Also don't forget to add the boolean field `relevant_for_classroom` on the status entity of the contributed base entity. Example configuration for a customer where users should be updated from Registrations and moderators from Lecturer bookings. If the "parent event" of the event has a classroom, the classroom of the parent should be updated as well:

 public UpdateClassroomUserBatchJob.UpdateClassroomEntitiesContribution registrationUpdateClassroomEntitiesRegistrationContribution() {
     UpdateClassroomUserBatchJob.UpdateClassroomEntitiesContribution bean = new UpdateClassroomUserBatchJob.UpdateClassroomEntitiesContribution();
     return bean;

 public UpdateClassroomUserBatchJob.UpdateClassroomEntitiesContribution lecturerBookingUpdateClassroomEntitiesRegistrationContribution() {
     UpdateClassroomUserBatchJob.UpdateClassroomEntitiesContribution bean = new UpdateClassroomUserBatchJob.UpdateClassroomEntitiesContribution();
     return bean;

 public BatchJobContribution repairBinaryReferenceCountBatchJobContribution() {
     return new BatchJobContribution("UpdateClassroomUserBatchJob",
         "adds and removes Registration and Lecturer_booking entities on the connected Classroom based on the 'relevant_for_classroom' field of their status",
         "0 2 * * ?",
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • setEntitiesContributions

      @Autowired(required=false) public void setEntitiesContributions(List<UpdateClassroomUserBatchJob.UpdateClassroomEntitiesContribution> entitiesContributions)
    • setUpdateClassroomOfModule

      @Value("${nice2.classroom.UpdateClassroomUserBatchJob.updateClassroomOfModule}") public void setUpdateClassroomOfModule(boolean updateClassroomOfModule)
    • doExecute

      protected void doExecute(org.quartz.JobExecutionContext context, JobDataMapReader jobDataMapReader)
      Specified by:
      doExecute in class AbstractJob