Class ActionSecurityDomain

All Implemented Interfaces:

@Component public class ActionSecurityDomain extends AbstractSecurityDomain
  • Constructor Details

    • ActionSecurityDomain

      public ActionSecurityDomain()
  • Method Details

    • getSupportedClasses

      protected Class<?>[] getSupportedClasses()
      Specified by:
      getSupportedClasses in class AbstractSecurityDomain
    • getSelectorFactory

      public SelectorFactory getSelectorFactory()
      Description copied from interface: SecurityDomain
      Create a selector factory. A selector factory is an object which creates selectors. There is no interface as the arguments defined in the policy will be matched to factory methods using reflection. The contract for the object returned by this method is as follows:

      It specify several methods called createSelector with the return type Selector. It may take any number of arguments. Supported argument types are all Java primitives, String, enumerations and arrays of enumerations. The last argument may be an array, which indicates varargs. Wildcards will be passed as null. The methods may throw an InvalidArgumentException.

      The selector factory.
    • setContributor

      @Autowired(required=false) public void setContributor(ActionSecurityDomainContributor contributor)