Class SimpleNavigationNavigator

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class SimpleNavigationNavigator extends Object implements DataPathNavigator
A DataPathNavigator which just navigates over names (like fields and relations, key-names in maps etc). Rename: this was previously known as SimpleNavigationEvaluator.
  • Constructor Details

    • SimpleNavigationNavigator

      public SimpleNavigationNavigator()
  • Method Details

    • asSchemaNavigation

      @Nullable public @Nullable String asSchemaNavigation(String pathAsString, Class<?> cls)
      Description copied from interface: DataPathNavigator
      Q: I really don't know how this thing can be used on queries or scripts... A (roman): Can only be used in stuff like relation-names/field-names. Maybe i can be used on queries, but then it only returns the target type or something.

      The idea is that the system can navigate on a schema (like relation, fields, java-bean-properties etc) without having the actual data yet.
      Specified by:
      asSchemaNavigation in interface DataPathNavigator
      pathAsString - the path we want to navigate on
      cls - a class which represents the schema-type. For example if its an 'EntityModel' the navigation is on the data-base-schema.
      null if the navigation isn't supportet for this type. Otherwhise it returns the path.
    • useNullDataSource

      public boolean useNullDataSource()
      Specified by:
      useNullDataSource in interface DataPathNavigator