All Superinterfaces:
Component, DataComponent, LabeledComponent
All Known Subinterfaces:
MultiRemoteField, RemoteField
All Known Implementing Classes:
FieldImpl, FieldWrapper, MultiRemoteFieldImpl, MultiRemoteFieldWrapper, RemoteFieldImpl, RemoteFieldWrapper

@Deprecated public interface Field extends DataComponent
A component which just represents a field of data. This component will change its behavior based on the data, that means it will be converted into a specialized type of field when the model is being read.

More specific: this represents the field tag as used in a FORM (not entity) for example AddressDetail. And based on the data type of the "data" attribute this generic field will be converted into a specific one, for example a text field.

  • Method Details

    • mapAllAttributesTo

      <T extends LabeledComponent & DataComponent> void mapAllAttributesTo(T comp)
      Copy all defaults to the target-component
      comp - component