Interface CommonSearchModel

All Known Subinterfaces:
FulltextSearchModel, MultiRemoteFieldModel, RelationSearchModel, RemoteFieldModel
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractSearchFieldsHolder, FulltextSearchModelImpl, MultiRemoteFieldModelImpl, RelationSearchModelImpl, RemoteFieldModelImpl

public interface CommonSearchModel
Something that contains a SearchFieldsModel, like the RemoteFieldModel. It is a reusable subpart model. It is the common denominator of FulltextSeach, RelationSearch and RemoteFieldSearch.
  • Method Details

    • getMinChars

      Integer getMinChars()
    • setMinChars

      void setMinChars(int minChars)
    • getMinCharsForField

      Integer getMinCharsForField(String fieldName)
      Tells the min number of characters required to search in this field, falls back to default.
      fieldName - The name of the entity field.
      Null if field is not used, otherwise >= 1.
    • getMaxCharsForField

      Integer getMaxCharsForField(String fieldName)
      Tells the max number of characters to search in this field if defined.
      fieldName - The name of the entity field, 0 for no limit.
      Null if field is not used.
    • getSearchFieldsModel

      @Nullable @Nullable SearchFieldsModel getSearchFieldsModel()
    • setSearchFieldsModel

      void setSearchFieldsModel(SearchFieldsModel model)
    • hasSearchFieldsModel

      boolean hasSearchFieldsModel()
      Tells if the model is not null, but not if it has content.