Class UrlUtil


public final class UrlUtil extends Object
  • Method Details

    • urlToString

      public static String urlToString(String url)
      Constructs a string represenation of the url not including the password. It prints four asterisks '****' instead.

      Created this because the

      invalid reference
      method includes the password in the resulting string, which is not good to log out. As a result this method is a modified version of the original
      invalid reference
    • urlToString

      public static String urlToString(jakarta.mail.URLName name)
      Constructs a string represenation of the url not including the password. It prints four asterisks '****' instead.

      Created this because the

      invalid reference
      method includes the password in the resulting string, which is not good to log out. As a result this method is a modified version of the original
      invalid reference