Interface ActivateDuplicateConfigActionService

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ActivateDuplicateConfigActionService
  • Method Details

    • activateDuplicateConfig

      @Deprecated String activateDuplicateConfig(EntityExplorerActionSelection config)
      Activates the given Duplicate_config. This means that the currently active config is disabled (see disableDuplicateConfig(EntityExplorerActionSelection)). Indices are created for 'fuzzy' search fields if necessary and all Duplicate entities will be created.
    • activateDuplicateConfigEntity

      String activateDuplicateConfigEntity(Entity duplicateConfig)
      Activates the given Duplicate_config. This means that the currently active config is disabled (see disableDuplicateConfig(EntityExplorerActionSelection)). Indices are created for 'fuzzy' search fields if necessary and all Duplicate entities will be created.
    • disableDuplicateConfig

      @Deprecated void disableDuplicateConfig(EntityExplorerActionSelection config)
      This deletes all existing Duplicate entities (for the given model) and also deletes all indices for 'fuzzy' search fields.
    • disableDuplicateConfig

      void disableDuplicateConfig(Entity duplicateConfig, boolean keepDuplicates)
      This deletes all existing Duplicate entities (for the given model) and also deletes all indices for 'fuzzy' search fields.