Interface EntityFolderTemplateConfirmationService

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface EntityFolderTemplateConfirmationService
  • Method Details

    • getConfirmationBuilder

      ConfirmationBuilder getConfirmationBuilder()
    • askConfirmation

      void askConfirmation(ConfirmationBuilder confirmationBuilder, Optional<RemoteContext> remoteContextOptional)
      Asks the current client for confirmation for the provided entity folder templates if the request came from a web client.
      confirmationBuilder - a ConfirmationBuilder containing available entity folder templates for created entities.
      remoteContextOptional - the optional RemoteContext from which the request was created.
    • apply

      void apply(Map<String,String> configuration)
      Apply the configuration as recieved from the client
      configuration - a map containing entity identifiers in the form "Entity_model_name[PK]" as keys and a comma separated list of unique_ids of selected Entity_folder_templates