Package ch.tocco.nice2.dbrefactoring.impl.install.fragments
package ch.tocco.nice2.dbrefactoring.impl.install.fragments
ClassesClassDescriptionThis class is also used within a Liquibase db changeset.creates business units that are defined in ${nice2.dbrefactoring.businessunits} but do not exist in the db fills non-nullable columns with its default value, empty value or a dummy value if those are null the created business units need to be configured afterwards by a userthis fragment fixes all counters of all entity models counters need to be of type "counter" to be considered fixing consists of the following actions: - sets new counters on entities (can only happen with faulty databases, counters are not-null and unique) - deletes counters which have a businessunit but should not have one, and the other way around - deletes duplicate counters, meaning the same field, entity and businessunit (if entity model is linked to businessunit) - creates counters that should exist, but do not - set counters to correct countThis fragment creates and fills the initial_values_status table, which is used in
to figure out how to handle values that are inserted into existing databases.This fragment iterates through all localized fields of all entity models and renames the column from something like "label" to "label_de", where "de" is the default language currently configured in ``.It is important that the entire migrations is done in one liquibase operation.Creates a database changelog to install a new language.